Birding Checklist
SA No |
Species |
Scientific Name |
Endemism |
Recorded |
Possible |
Status |
8 |
Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
X |
55 |
White-breasted Cormorant | Phalacrocorax lucidus |
X |
58 |
Reed Cormorant | Phalacrocorax africanus |
X |
60 |
African Darter | Anhinga rufa |
X |
62 |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea |
X |
63 |
Black-headed Heron | Ardea melanocephala |
X |
67 |
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
X |
71 |
Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
X |
76 |
Black-crowned Night-Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax |
X |
81 |
Hamerkop | Scopus umbretta |
X |
83 |
White Stork | Ciconia ciconia |
X |
84 |
Black Stork | Ciconia nigra |
X |
91 |
African Sacred Ibis | Threskiornis aethiopicus |
X |
93 |
Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
X |
94 |
Hadeda Ibis | Bostrychia hagedash |
X |
95 |
African Spoonbill | Platalea alba |
X |
102 |
Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiacus |
X |
103 |
South African Shelduck | Tadorna cana |
E |
X |
104 |
Yellow-billed Duck | Anas undulata |
X |
C |
105 |
African Black Duck | Anas sparsa |
X |
108 |
Red-billed Teal | Anas erythrorhyncha |
X |
112 |
Cape Shoveller | Anas smithii |
X |
116 |
Spur-winged Goose | Plectropterus gambensis |
X |
118 |
Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius |
X |
122 |
Cape Vulture | Gyps coprotheres |
X |
940 |
Yellow-billed Kite | Milvus aegyptius (parasitus) |
X |
127 |
Black-shouldered Kite | Elanus caeruleus |
X |
131 |
Verreaux’s (Black) Eagle | Aquila verreauxii |
X |
U |
136 |
Booted Eagle | Hieraaetus pennatus |
X |
140 |
Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus |
X |
143 |
Black-chested Snake-Eagle | Circaetus pectoralis |
X |
148 |
African Fish Eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer |
X |
149 |
Steppe (Common) Buzzard | Buteo buteo |
X |
152 |
Jackal Buzzard | Buteo rufofuscus |
E |
X |
155 |
Red-breasted Sparrowhawk | Accipiter rufiventris |
X |
158 |
Black Goshawk (Sparrowhawk) | Accipiter melanoleucus |
X |
162 |
Southern Pale Chanting Goshawk | Melierax canorus |
NE |
X |
168 |
Black Harrier | Circus maurus |
E |
X |
169 |
Gymnogene (African Harrier-hawk) | Polyboroides typus |
X |
170 |
Osprey | Pandion haliaetus |
X |
181 |
Rock Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus |
X |
182 |
Greater Kestrel | Falco rupicoloides |
X |
183 |
Lesser Kestrel | Falco naumanni |
X |
190 |
Grey-winged Francolin | Francolinus africanus |
E |
X |
195 |
Cape Spurfowl (Francolin) | Francolinus capensis |
E |
X |
C |
200 |
Common Quail | Coturnix coturnix |
X |
203 |
Helmeted Guineafowl | Numida meleagris |
X |
208 |
Blue Crane | Anthropoides paradiseus |
E |
X |
226 |
Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus |
X |
228 |
Red-knobbed Coot | Fulica cristata |
X |
231 |
Denham’s (Stanley’s) Bustard | Neotis denhami |
X |
235 |
Karoo Korhaan | Eupodotis vigorsii |
E |
X |
239 |
Southern Black Korhaan | Eupodotis afra |
E |
X |
248 |
Kittlitz’s Plover | Charadrius pecuarius |
X |
249 |
Three-banded Plover | Charadrius tricollaris |
X |
255 |
Crowned Lapwing (Plover) | Vanellus coronatus |
X |
258 |
Blacksmith Lapwing | Vanellus armatus |
X |
286 |
African (Ethiopian) Snipe | Gallinago nigripennis |
X |
294 |
Pied Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta |
X |
295 |
Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus |
X |
297 |
Spotted Dikkop (Thick-Knee) | Burhinus capensis |
X |
299 |
Burchell’s Courser | Cursorius rufus |
X |
301 |
Double-banded Courser | Rhinoptilus africanus |
X |
344 |
Namaqua Sandgrouse | Pterocles namaqua |
NE |
X |
348 |
Rock Dove | Columba livia |
X |
349 |
Speckled Pigeon | Columba guinea |
X |
352 |
Red-eyed Dove | Streptopelia semitorquata |
X |
354 |
Cape Turtle Dove | Streptopelia capicola |
X |
C |
355 |
Laughing Dove | Streptopelia senegalensis |
X |
356 |
Namaqua Dove | Oena capensis |
X |
377 |
Red-chested Cuckoo | Cuculus solitarius |
X |
382 |
Jacobin Cuckoo | Oxylophus jacobinus |
X |
385 |
Klaas’s Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx klaas |
X |
386 |
Diederik Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx caprius |
X |
392 |
Barn Owl | Tyto alba |
X |
400 |
Cape Eagle-Owl | Bubo capensis |
X |
401 |
Spotted Eagle-Owl | Bubo africanus |
X |
405 |
Fiery-necked Nightjar | Caprimulgus pectoralis |
X |
X |
406 |
Rufous-cheeked Nightjar | Caprimulgus rufigena |
X |
408 |
Freckled Nightjar | Caprimulgus tristigma |
X |
411 |
Eurasian Swift | Apus apus |
X |
412 |
African Black Swift | Apus barbatus |
X |
415 |
White-rumped Swift | Apus caffer |
X |
X |
416 |
Horus Swift | Apus horus |
X |
417 |
Little Swift | Apus affinis |
X |
418 |
Alpine Swift | Tachymarptis melba |
X |
424 |
Speckled Mousebird | Colius striatus |
X |
425 |
White-backed Mousebird | Colius colius |
E |
X |
C |
426 |
Red-faced Mousebird | Urocolius indicus |
X |
438 |
European Bee-eater | Merops apiaster |
X |
446 |
European Roller | Coracias garrulus |
X |
451 |
African Hoopoe | Upupa africana |
X |
465 |
Pied Barbet | Tricholaema leucomelas |
X |
476 |
Lesser Honeyguide | Indicator minor |
X |
480 |
Ground Woodpecker | Geocolaptes olivaceus |
E |
X |
486 |
Cardinal Woodpecker | Dendropicos fuscescens |
X |
X |
495 |
Cape Clapper Lark | Mirafra apiata |
X |
500 |
Cape Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda curvirostris |
X |
500,3 |
Karoo Long-billed Lark | Certhilauda subcoronata |
X |
502 |
Karoo Lark | Mirafra albescens |
E |
X |
506 |
Spike-heeled Lark | Chersomanes albofasciata |
X |
507 |
Red-capped Lark | Calandrella cinerea |
X |
516 |
Grey-backed Sparrowlark | Eremopterix verticalis |
X |
512 |
Large-billed Lark (Thick-billed) | Galerida magnirostris |
E |
X |
518 |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
X |
520 |
White-throated Swallow | Hirundo albigularis |
X |
523 |
Pearl-breasted Swallow | Hirundo dimidiata |
X |
526 |
Greater Striped Swallow | Hirundo cucullata |
X |
VC |
529 |
Rock Martin | Hirundo fuligula |
X |
VC |
530 |
Common House Martin | Delichon urbica |
X |
533 |
Plain Martin | Riparia paludicola |
X |
541 |
Fork-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus adsimilis |
X |
547 |
Cape Crow | Corvus capensis |
X |
548 |
Pied Crow | Corvus albus |
X |
550 |
White-necked Raven | Corvus albicollis |
X |
551 |
Grey Tit | Parus afer |
E |
557 |
Cape Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus minutus |
NE |
566 |
Cape Bulbul | Pycnonotus capensis |
E |
X |
VC |
567 |
African Red-eyed Bulbul | Pycnonotus nigricans |
X |
572 |
Sombre Greenbul | Andropadus importunus |
X |
577 |
Olive Thrush | Turdus olivaceus |
X |
577,1 |
Karroo Thrush | Turdus smithi |
X |
581 |
Cape Rock-Thrush | Monticola rupestris |
X |
U |
582 |
Sentinel Rock-Thrush | Monticola explorator |
X |
586 |
Mountain Wheatear | Oenanthe monticola |
NE |
X |
VC |
587 |
Capped Wheatear | Oenanthe pileata |
X |
589 |
Familiar Chat | Cercomela familiaris |
X |
VC |
592 |
Karoo Chat | Cercomela schlegelii |
NE |
X |
X |
595 |
Southern Anteating Chat | Myrmecocichla formicivora |
E |
X |
U |
596 |
Common Stonechat | Saxicola torquata |
X |
601 |
Cape Robin-Chat | Cossypha caffra |
X |
X |
611 |
Cape Rock-jumper | Chaetops frenatus |
E |
X |
614 |
Karoo Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas coryphaeus |
E |
X |
VC |
621 |
Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler | Parisoma subcaeruleum |
X |
622 |
Layard’s Tit-Babbler | Parisoma layardi |
E |
X |
651 |
Long-billed Crombec | Sylvietta rufescens |
X |
653 |
Yellow-bellied Eremomela | Eremomela icteropygialis |
X |
654 |
Karoo Eremomela | Eremomela gregalis |
E |
X |
661 |
Grassbird | Sphenoeacus afer |
E |
X |
669 |
Grey-backed Cisticola | Cisticola subruficapillus |
NE |
X |
X |
677 |
Le Vaillant’s Cisticola | Cisticola tinniens |
X |
681 |
Neddicky | Cisticola fulvicapillus |
X |
VC |
686 |
Karoo Prinia | Prinia maculosa |
E |
X |
X |
687 |
Namaqua Warbler | Phragmacia substriata |
E |
X |
688 |
Rufous-eared Warbler | Malcorus pectoralis |
E |
X |
U |
698 |
Fiscal Flycatcher | Sigelus silens |
E |
X |
703 |
Pririt Batis | Batis pririt |
NE |
X |
706 |
Fairy Flycatcher | Stenostira scita |
E |
X |
X |
713 |
Cape Wagtail | Motacilla capensis |
X |
U |
716 |
African Pipit | Anthus cinnamomeus |
X |
717 |
Long-billed Pipit | Anthus similis |
X |
718 |
Plain-backed Pipit | Anthus leucophrys |
X |
721 |
Yellow-tufted Pipit (Rock) | Anthus crenatus |
E |
X |
732 |
Common Fiscal | Lanius collaris |
X |
C |
736 |
Southern Boubou | Laniarius ferrugineus |
E |
X |
746 |
Bokmakierie | Telophorus zeylonus |
E |
X |
VC |
757 |
European Starling | Sturnus vulgaris |
X |
759 |
African Pied Starling | Spreo bicolor |
E |
X |
U |
760 |
Wattled Starling | Creatophora cinerea |
X |
769 |
Red-winged Starling | Onychognathus morio |
X |
X |
770 |
Pale-winged Starling | Onychognathus nabouroup |
NE |
X |
X |
773 |
Cape Sugarbird | Promerops cafer |
E |
X |
VC |
775 |
Malachite Sunbird | Nectarinia famosa |
X |
VC |
777 |
Orange-breasted Sunbird | Nectarinia violacea |
E |
X |
VC |
783 |
Southern Double-collared Sunbird | Nectarinia chalybea |
E |
X |
VC |
788 |
Dusky Sunbird | Nectarinia fusca |
NE |
X |
792 |
Amethyst Sunbird (Black) | Nectarinia amethystina |
X |
796 |
Cape White-eye | Zosterops virens |
E |
X |
801 |
House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
X |
803 |
Cape Sparrow | Passer melanurus |
NE |
X |
813 |
Cape Weaver | Ploceus capensis |
E |
X |
VC |
814 |
Southern Masked-Weaver | Ploceus velatus |
X |
824 |
Southern Red Bishop | Euplectes orix |
X |
827 |
Yellow Bishop | Euplectes capensis |
X |
U |
846 |
Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild |
X |
860 |
Pin-tailed Whydah | Vidua macroura |
X |
872 |
Cape Canary | Serinus canicollis |
X |
X |
874 |
Cape Siskin | Pseudochloroptila totta |
X |
876 |
Black-headed Canary | Serinus alario |
E |
X |
878 |
Yellow Canary | Serinus flaviventris |
NE |
X |
VC |
879 |
White-throated Canary | Serinus albogularis |
NE |
X |
VC |
880 |
Protea Canary | Serinus leucopterus |
E |
X |
U |
881 |
Streaky-headed Canary | Serinus gularis |
X |
885 |
Cape Bunting | Emberiza capensis |
X |
VC |
887 |
Lark-like Bunting | Emberiza impetuani |
NE |
X |
- The observations for this checklist were carried out by Pierre Hofmeyr and Clive Feather and supplemented with observations by reserve residents and guests
- The list is by no means complete and species are added as observed
- The numbers and the order of species used in this checklist follow the sixth edition of Roberts’ Birds of Southern Africa and serve as a reference to most field guides of the region. The names are those used in the Roberts Bird Guide (2007) by Hugh Chittenden
- The probable frequency of sightings refers to the correct seasons for particular birds (whether residents or migrants) and to areas of suitable habitat
- Species which are secretive (eg. Rufous-eared Warbler) or difficult to identify with certainty (eg. larks) or nocturnal have undoubtedly been under-recorded
- The species listed under POSSIBLE have not been recorded yet in the reserve but could occur so they should be looked for
- The meanings and definitions of the abbreviations used under STATUS are as follows:
- VC = very common (can be expected to be seen every day at least once at the right time of the year in suitable habitat)
- C = common (can be expected to be seen on most days at the right time of the year in suitable habitat)
- U = uncommon (can be expected to be seen a few times a month at the right time of the year in suitable habitat)
- R = rare (can be expected to be seen a few times a year at the right time of the year in suitable habitat)
- Endemism
- E = endemic to southern Africa
- NE = near endemic to southern Africa (less than 15% of distribution extra-limital)
Undoubtedly as more observations are accumulated over time, the status of many species in the list will change and many will be transferred from POSSIBLE to RECORDED status.
(Page last updated 2014-08-31)